Fondation Jouis-Jeantet, Chemin Rieu 17, 1208 Genève, Suisse

Coline Barbaray

Professeure de Formation Musicale

Want to learn the basics of music and understand it more and more? Then this course is for you!


A musician and teacher, she trained on the flute and traverso in Rouen and then in the Paris region with Philippe Pierlot, Emmanuelle Ophèle, Valérie Balssa and François Lazarevitch, among others. She has performed under conductors such as Fayçal Karoui and David Stern, and in venues including the Berlin and Paris Philharmonic Orchestras and La Grange au Lac in Evian.

She holds a State Diploma as a flute teacher and a degree in ‘Music and Musicology’ from Paris-Sorbonne. Wishing to perfect her skills, she is currently at the HEM in Geneva in the early music department. She teaches the flute at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement intercommunal d’Annemasse-agglomération.



  • Bachelor, HEM de Genève, Musique Ancienne avec S. Saitta
  • Cycle Musique Ancienne , CRR Rouen
  • Obtention de la licence 3 "Musique et Musicologie", Paris-Sorbonne
  • Cycle Musique Ancienne, avec V. Balssa, CRR Boulogne-Billancourt
  • Obtention du DE dominante flûte traversière, CEFEDEM de Normandie
  • Obtention du DEM dominante flûte traversière avec JC Falala, CRR de Rouen

Languages spoken

  • French
  • English